caution: this side up

11:00 PM

The faces you see everyday. Gone

The grumpy cops, the nasty smelling football hallway, and most of all the knight. 

Also gone.

You're "one year older and wiser too" but it's not nearly as exciting as when you were in primary.

I don't want to grow up just yet.
In fact I dread growing up. 
I'm terrified actually.

I'm terrified of leaving everyone I've grown to love and know
and I don't know if I'm ready for that change just yet.

I'm terrified of having to pay bills and having to start over
because what if they don't like me and I get labelled as something I'm not

what the hell, they'll label me anyways.
and her
and you
and us
and even them too.

because when you're younger everything's easier.
still worrisome but you worried differently back then.

I'll still never get over the fact that the grape medicine ruined every grape flavor for me
and that the word "play" was socially unacceptable in junior high

I still laugh that tamogatchis were banned at my elementary because they needed to be fed every so often and it was a 
"disruption to the class"

We were so concerned about how to hold a pencil, making sure we didn't have two left shoes on, and about how to organize our erasers in our desks.

Instead we worry about how to hold someone's heart, making sure we have enough makeup on, and how to organize our thoughts and emotions after losing the one we thought we loved.

So maybe I'm speaking for everyone or just for myself when I say we wanna stay young forever.

 I'm entitled to my opinion

and honestly I think I'd rather take care of a tamogatchi than a broken heart.

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  1. Yes, you might not be speaking for everyone but you are speaking for me.

  2. Yes

    I'm running out of things to comment on your posts because they're always so good.

  3. tamogatchis >>>>> broken hearts

  4. Thinking about growing up sends me in a downward spiral. So scary.

  5. YESS! I absolutely hate the idea of growing up. (Actualy in a revolt against it I secretly fired back up my tamagotchi.) no lie. This was perfect

  6. I would rather take care of a tamogatchi then a broken heart. Love love love love
