Good Words

"from young we were taught how to love 
but not how to stop" - Cornelia Boom

"being lonely is heartless and
being heartless is real lonely" - Sgt. Pepper

"they've forgotten what a curse it is and
what a blessing it is to feel deeply
enough to skim the ocean floor" - Celeste Cobain

"but mostly i'm afraid of my heart" - Luna Blue

"make sure that the only tears that come 
are the ones from laughing" - twiggy

"play middle c like you toiled
with her heart" - Lombard Street

"it's about the moment the radio shuts off. 
that's when it becomes real." - Timothy Kelly

"because they say we're too young for this,
but maybe they're just too old
to remember" - Cornelia Boom

"I forgot the words you gave me to

choke on, but could never forget the 
taste they left." - Edward Abbey

"and maybe we'll look like tourists for
awhile, but who cares, because
I'll be with you." - James C. Mckay

"beware of humans. they look  so beautiful
 and gentle when they smile" - Gemma Janes

"nobody cares if you got a stain on
your favorite t-shirt" - Tom Iansek

"I want to be a memory. I want to have
seized every damn day." - Sgt. Pepper